Steering A Moving Ship & Free Pine Cone Video

Still picture from our new Pine Cone Video.

New Pine Cone Video

Ling Chi presents a simply beautiful demonstration and mini lesson on Pine Cone. This wonderfully versatile subject is great for cards or small paintings or even as a main focal for a larger painting.

Featured Materials

Flow Brush
Mountain Horse Fine

Practice Shuen

Green (a mix of Chinese Yellow and Indigo Chinese Chips)
Burnt Sienna Chinese Chips
Sakura White
Sakura Gold
Best Bottle Ink

New video by Ling Chi on Pine Cone. A free bonus lesson to finish our Season's Greetings Holiday series.

Easier to Steer a Moving Vehicle: Understanding Momentum in the Creative Process

99% of the people that ask about how to accelerate their progress towards becoming the artist they wish to be, would benefit from these two words:

Paint More.

I like to use the metaphor of a vehicle that you need to push to get started. What would you say to someone who asked, "why it is so hard to steer my vehicle," and you immediately notice that their vehicle is not moving. You would say, "Get your vehicle moving and then it will be easier to steer!"

One thing I saw my father use to his advantage throughout his life was the power of momentum in the creative process. He would get started, find a rhythm and continue to produce as his momentum increased. Using this momentum, he wouldn't stop until he had produced a mountain of work.

Even though I had this example there were times in my creative life that I would exert all the effort needed to get started and then stop and say to myself "boy that was hard." I must have done this for 10 years and finished the decade having thought way too much and produced way too little.

Evidence of the Benefit of the "OASlife"

I hear testimonials everyday from members of our OAS Extended Family who have figured out how to live the "OASlife." That is a life enriched with the beauty and joy of Chinese painting and culture.

We are coming closer to a new year. This is the perfect time to get your vehicle moving and to not stop until you have a body of work to show for it.

Here are some tips.

  • Just the feeling of stroking a Chinese brush is worth the time spent. Use a piece of magic paper or just use ink and a practice roll and develop your appreciation for the feeling of doing Chinese brush strokes.
  • For those of you who are done the four gentlemen, explore new subjects like Camelia, Lotus or Panda.
  • Once you start a painting, develop the habit to finish it no matter what happens. Unexpected things happen when you are Chinese brush painting. It is part of the joy and intrigue. A master's skill is not avoiding the unexpected but experiencing it and making a good decision about what to do next. If you stop after every perceived mistake, you never learn this skill.
  • Work your way through the OAS Mastery Process. Taking a step back and studying the principles that are behind good painting can give you "new wings" to explore your creative freedom.
  • If you are producing finished work, tackle the signature, seal, and wet mounting process. You would be surprised how many people change their negative opinions about their paintings after they successfully wet mount them. Wet mounting finishes your painting in such a beautiful way, making it flat and solid for framing and returning the colors back to their original brilliance when they were first applied. 

As Always You're Biggest Supporter

We would like, more than anything else, for you to experience in ever increasing amounts, the joy of Chinese Brush Painting. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns and we will, as we have done for the last 40+ years, put the very best resources of our 500 year family tradition at your disposal. Always love and encouragement, from Your OAS Family!

Painting tips

1 comment

Mari Kirkham

Mari Kirkham

Is it too late to send in an order for the postponed office hour session July 28? Will there be a followup replay as when the date changed – it is smack dab at the same time as a friends wedding.
Hope all are feeling better there at OAS. I really appreciate all you do and the thoughtfulness of Evan and Ling Chi in presenting their information and philosophy of painting and life. The u tube dance performance was an added treat! Thank you all. Take care, Marilyn

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