Ling Chi offers a video on Plum Blossom and the Chinese character for Perseverance.
Plum is the Gentleman of Winter
The four basic subjects of Chinese Brush Painting are often called the Four Gentlemen. These are Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum. Plum is the symbol of Winter. It is known in Chinese culture as a symbol for perseverance choosing to bloom in the harsh of winter.
Ling Chi offers this simple video lesson which combines an easy Plum Blossom composition couple with a calligraphy lesson for the Chinese character for perseverance.
Featured Materials:
Double Happiness large (Plum trunk, calligraphy)
Twig Brush (Plum branches, flower petals and stamen)
OAS Ideal Companion 12 Color Set (Plum trunk, branches, petals)
Best Bottle Ink (Plum trunk, branches, and happy dots)
Dr. Martin's Bleed Proof White (Plum blossom stamens)
Practice Shuen
Perseverance Mood Seal
Artist Name Seal
Porcelain Water Bowl
Mini Saucer Ink Dish (for mixing colors from Ideal Companion Set)
Square Porcelain Ink Dish
Blending Plate
Painting Felt
Reference Material
Fundamentals of Chinese Floral Painting Vol. 4: Book of the Plum by Su-sing Chow
Classes by Independent OAS Affiliated Teachers
For the last 10 years Oriental Art Supply has been offering teacher training workshops. We've had many attendees and with the recent pandemic more and more teachers are making their classes available in online interactive formats.
Our current definition for OAS Affiliated teachers are teachers who have attended our teacher training course and who collaborate with OAS closely enough that we feel confident supporting their students from a materials and supplies standpoint.
It is important to note that these classes are not OAS classes. They are being held by the teacher's themselves or other sponsoring organizations. But we at OAS will do our best to provide the support for the supplies with a stronger knowledge of the teacher's approach informed by their training from Ning Yeh.
Please enjoy and support these teachers as it is an incredible asset to have them teaching online and we would like to make their efforts sustainable by filling the classes enough to justify their continued offering. Many of the class participants share their paintings done in class on our OASLife Facebook Group and we are blown away by the results that you all are achieving with the help of our OAS Affiliated Teachers.
Plum Blossom, Saturday Feb. 6th by Lorean Weng

Did our Plum video wet your appetite for Plum? Why not sign up for Lorean's Plum class this Saturday (2/6). Lorean has developed a reputation for smaller class sizes with plenty of patience and individual attention. Also she often gears her lessons directly from Ning Yeh's published books. If you are looking to take a class that can unlock further learning on your own from Ning Yeh's books, Lorean is an excellent choice!
See a List of Lorean's Classes
All Ink Four Subject Course by Mayee Futterman Fridays or Saturdays in February and March

Mayee Futterman has quickly established herself as one of the premiere Chinese Brush Painting teachers to the world with her Live-OnLine (LOL) format. I am in awe of how each of her students produces such beautiful work that is at once completely informed by Mayee's instruction while at the same time being a completely unique piece of art unto itself! How does she do it?!
Mayee has an all ink four subject course coming up that has class openings on Friday through Mayee directly or on Saturdays via HBAC.
These ink subjects are a great way for a new person to get comfortable with Mayee's very successful class format! Sessions kick off on February 19th or 20th. Sign up early so you can get your materials and have everything ready!
Three Class Series on Bamboo by Leigha Nicole Starts on March 14th

We are excited to introduce Leigha Nicole, the Patron Saint of the New Brush Painting Student.
Directly from her series description we have: "These step-by-step classes are specifically designed for beginners and will taught at a gentle pace with lots of time to practice the various brush strokes. These classes also include weekly homework critiques to provide private customized learning and lesson integration. Space is very limited to ensure maximum personal attention."
We could not think of a better way for a person who has been considering taking an online class to get started. The most iconic subject, with a small class size and a teacher whose training in both brush painting and yoga emphasizes patience and individual attention.