5 Universal Truths that Will Make You a Better Artist

"Swinging (Grass Orchid)" by Ning Yeh from his book An Album of Chinese Brush Painting: 80 Paintings and Ideas.

5 Universal Truths that will Help You Be the Creative Artist You were Meant to Be

  • You are an extension of an universal being who essence is pure love. The power and creative ability of that love is boundless and you have the ability to connect to that boundless love which comes forth as a stream of infinite intelligence and creative power
  • Every thought that you think is an act of creation. Every thought is an energy that goes out into the universe and persists forever. Many of us are unaware of this and allow our brains to chaotically and repetitively think unproductive, limiting thoughts. When we become aware of our thoughts and especially aware of our ability to choose our thoughts, we begin to discover our power as a creative being. So goes the saying, "I think, therefore I am!"
  • Our emotions serve as a guide to tell us how effective our current thoughts are in creating the reality we wish to experience. It's like that old game where you walk around looking for something and your friend tells you "you're getting warmer, you're getting hotter, you're on fire!" Learn to think good feeling thoughts. Feel good, then feel great, finally feel awesome! Keep feeling awesome and you will begin to be naturally inspired towards the right actions, people, and situations to create all the things that you have been desiring.
  • When we quiet our minds during meditation or doing something calming and softly focused like Chinese Brush Painting or taking a walk in nature, we cease thinking resistant/negative thoughts and begin to feel better and gain access to a stream of inspiration that will make us more creative and more powerful
  • We live in a universe that is intimately connected and infinitely abundant. Disconnection and scarcity are products of incorrect thinking encouraged by various entities who profit when we think of ourselves as less that what we truly are. Always remember that "We are one, and there is enough for everyone to have what they truly desire."

Mandarin ducks and lotus painting from How to Paint Ducks, Geese & Mandarin Ducks. Like all the books in the "How to Paint" series, this book proves useful even though the text is in Chinese. It's compact size and value price make it a perfect reference for traveling and painting "on the go".

Artist improvement