Usage: Chinese Brush Painting, Gong-bi
Size: 5mL
Packaging: Set of 12 Tubes
Overview and Description:
These are traditional Chinese watercolors packaged into tubes for convenience. They are different than the Marie's Western watercolors featured in various art supply stores and catalogs. The colors are inexpensive and easy to use for any beginner starting in Chinese brush painting and Japanese.
Includes the following colors: Titanium White, Vermilion, Cinnabar, Rouge, Carmine, Scarlet, Burnt Sienna, Green Label 3 [Stone Green], Blue [Stone Blue], Pthyalocyanine Blue, Indigo and Gamboge.
Additionally, we offer individual 12 mL tubes for each of the colors in this set, as well as Marie's Chinese expanded watercolor tubes. (Additional colors include Mid Yellow, Mauve, Cerulean Blue, Emerald, Peony Red, Dark Brown and Black.) Click here to view.