Chinese Brush Painting: An Instructional Guide "GOLD EDITION" by Ning Yeh


Sale price$35.00


Overview and Description

p212 pages, English

“The update is now double the original. I have expanded the content with new information. I have not only redone the paintings and updated the materials, I have also added many new artworks. It is as relevant today as its original writing.”—Ning Yeh

A must-have how-to book for beginners. Acclaimed artist Ning Yeh takes the reader through every aspect of traditional Chinese Brush Painting, from brush technique and color loading to composition. Ning provides a lively explanation of each subject's profile and historical significance before moving onto adept instructions for rendering. His friendly conversational style makes learning the ancient art of spontaneous brush-painting truly "a piece of cake".

Subjects include: Orchid, Bamboo, Panda, Camellia, Amaryllis, Peony, Horse, Landscape, seal/signature and wet-mounting. (This book is the companion guide to Ning's Emmy award winning instructional TV Series " Chinese Brush Painting with Ning Yeh" - DVD versions available for purchase through OAS).

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