OAS 30-Day June Challenge
Start Date: June 1st, 2023
So many of our exceptional OAS extended family members credit their painting development to the habit of painting everyday that was started through their participation in our OAS 30 Day Challenge. The 30-Day Challenges happen twice a year (June and November), so make sure your geared up and ready for the next one starting on June 1st!
What is an OAS Painting Challenge?
Painting Challenges are designed to motivate you to establish the most important habit that we've found over the years that consistently unlocks the considerable benefits of being a student of Chinese Brush Painting...painting everyday!
Recently a customer posed a question to Ning Yeh about is practice habits. “How does he practice brush painting?”
His answer was, "I paint everyday, never have practiced. I want to paint a painting - it maybe simple, it maybe small, but there is potential to be a masterpiece."
How Does an OAS Painting Challenge Work?
Participation is free and simple. Just make a commitment to paint everyday, snap a picture of what you are working on and post it to our OASlife Facebook Group. Many of the other challenge participants will share as well and for the duration of the challenge you will be able to see everyone's work and make and receive encouraging comments related to the work that is being posted.
No Facebook?
Although we feel like the best experience in Challenge participation is through the OASLife Facebook Group, you can feel free to participate without joining the group. All you have to do is paint everyday! We are working on an alternative way for people to participate without Facebook, so stay tuned. In the past people have just emailed a picture daily to OAS and we do out best to give you feedback about the work and cheer you on!
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